So, this week's all about Group Communications. Before I continue, let me just add in a couple of snapshots, ok? :)
Snapsot One

Snapshot Three

Snapshot Four

Snapshot Five

Snapshot Six

Snapshot Seven
Snapshot Eight
For instance, Snapshot One was taken back in my secondary school days. Yup! They're my girls and we all belong to a group commonly known as "IJ Girls". Does it ring a bell to any of you guys? Haha.. Those were the days when life was full of unexpected events. It was all about girlfriends doing all the silly stuff together like gossipping, going against the school rules, having girls' talk over the phone, etc. We even discussed on issues such as when to "pon" school and all. Haha, miss those days soooo much~
Of course, most of us would probably not only be in a single group right? Project groups in school, clique of friends in school (primary, secondary, tertiary level and all). For me, one group that contributed part to my group memory was the people I met in my music school. (Snapshot five and six). It was interesting how we, from all over singapore gathered together, unknowingly.. with the passion for music and gradually becoming a social clique where we would spend the whole day together filled with fun, joy and laughter. Cliche, I know.. But it's that way! :D
And sadly to say, social groups alter quite frequently for all of us, am I right? Not saying we cut off contact completely from our old peers, but joining and creating new groups as we carry on with our lives. Just like now! In UB, most of us have our own clique of friends whom we define them as our "closer peers" as compared to others, am I right to say that too? :P And some of us may even find that we dont react or behave like what we do in our other social groups.
In my point of view, everyone plays a different role in a group. And, everyone changes their roles in different groups they're in too. Get what I mean? Hmmm, another fictional example would be.. In school, Jane (an imaginary friend) may be a project leader where she leads and does all the organizing of meetings. However, among her friends, she's the one who always has to be called for gatherings. In short, give-and-take kind of character to fit into different group she's in.
In conclusion, I feel that being in a group makes one feel special in a way that he or she can actually link themselves to the group they belong to, in times of making any decisions. In good and bad ways I would say? Good would be having people that can keep you company at most of the times, helping you make decisions, etc. Bad would be having to make wiser decisions as an individual as some of those individual decisions would bring about different effects to the people in your group such as causing misunderstanding and so on.
This entry is just what a group is to me. So, can you share some of your thoughts about this topic too? Enlighten me! :)
Shermin.. It seems you are priviledged enough not to run into bad company.
ReplyDeleteGroups are good if you help one another through the good and bad times.
However, if the group causes you to very nearly get arrested, involves you in stealing etc.. Then you would have to make a decision to break away.
And yeah! When im with my other social groups, the vibe is different and i have to tune into their frequency.
Hello Girl...
ReplyDeleteHaving a group of friends just cause each of the member to sink inside an interaction with everyone. There positive and negative sides of group as like what Farhann said there's good and bad company. Haha So it's our wise decision to form what types of groups =)
Personally, I also miss all my friends and ex-sch friends, it's just wonderful how msn has connected us at chat.
Regard with friends, they come and go unless those who are very close friend they'll stay forever.
Lastly, a group is formed based on the environment and the personal goal to be in it. If U notice, there are some people who dosen't like to fit into grp due to peer pressure or other reasons and they could be either in advantaged to get far from -ve groups or disadvantage if they get too far from classmates....
Thanks 4 Ur Personal POst~Interesting=)~
Well, being in a group most certainly makes me sane.
ReplyDeleteBut I think more importantly, one should not be in a group for the sake of being in a group, but to be in one that allows you to be the best that you can be.
I think I am rather lucky and blessed to be in several groups of people, which though separated by physical distance (as most of them are overseas), accept me for who I am and support my ideals, dreams without laughing at them - something which I am very thankful for.
These are the people that not just make your life
a little easier to live in, but also make life worthwhile.. at least that's my opinion.
Are you in a group that allows you to be the best that you can be too, my dear? ^^
I like how honest this blog post is.
ReplyDeleteyes it's true that people have different parts to play in a group. every litle bit of contribution to the group, helps in progression. but you forgot to mention one category of group members.... what about the leeches?
the leeches... probably the most hated of all group members. minimum/no contribution, yet they expect maximum benefits. usually thick skinned people who do not understand the meaning of shame. but that s beside the point.
hmmm about the good and bad... it's pretty subjective. what may seem bad to you, may be acceptable for another person, and vice versa.
just a random thought. :)
We do act and play different roles in different groups we belong to. Maybe its because of the different environment or people we meet that changes us?
ReplyDeleteBut sometimes when there is a strong bond in a previous group, I'll find it hard to fully embrace a new one. There tends to be comparisons made and we might think that the previous group was much better when in actual fact both groups are similar. Haha, I guess people are biased when it comes to their close friends and sometimes it can be an obstacle to forming a strong bond with new groups.