Sunday, February 15, 2009

Entry #3- Is that so?

Frankly speaking, I was kind of surprised when I came to know that this week's topic was about Interpersonal Relationship, as some of us may find this topic rather personal in some context. However, I must admit that it is, in fact, interesting.

When's the last time you feel attracted to a person? Was the attraction reciprocal? Pause for a second. Try make yourself recall on how it all came about and how it all come to an end (if any).

If we were to link back to the 10 stages of Knapp Model of Relational Development, the "coming together" part will be Initiating, Experimenting, Intensifying, Integrating and Bonding, and the "coming apart" part will be Differentiating, Circumscribing, Stagnating, Avoiding and Terminating. Though I think that these 10 stages would likely be the phases of which the majority would go through, I have no doubt that there may always be exceptions.

Apart from it, I'm curious as to which part of these stages happen to appeal to you the most? For me, it's the first stage- Initiating.

When I was reading through our lecture slides once again, I realized it wrote there:
- Screening and filtering
- Self -presentation
- Cautious and "safe"

What I found fascinating was actually the very first point- "Screening and filtering". How do you "screen and filter" someone? As a matter of fact, I think that it differs for both genders.

I'll just start on the process of how we (girls) may carry out this process of "screening and filtering" since I am a girl myself. :) I'm sure most of the girls out there have their own group of friends whom they share most of their thoughts and feelings with. And, this would include sharing information about their recent crushes or eyecandies that they've met. Right, girls? :) From there, their friends will then start helping the individual to analyze a few aspects of the guy which include his appearance, character and most importantly, helping her to look out for the guy's response towards her. For instance, whether or not the guy is showing any signs of reciprocal feelings towards her, and so on.

The reason as to why I found this particular process fascinating is due to the fact that though this process of "filtering and screening" a person is just the very initial part of everything, you'll be surprised to know that, this is too, the stage where most you find out the most about your crush or eyecandy. Despite of not knowing the reasons as to why this is so, I would reckon that it is due to the effort that we're willing to put in in wanting to know more about a particular person, such as adding someone on your MSN list or facebook account, exchanging your cellphone digits, asking your friends who knows him, etc, just to get to know the person more. Silly I know. But, this is in fact how it starts out for most of us, isn't it?

On the other hand, I tried asking one of my guy friends as to how guys would start checking a girl out. He said they too, have a couple of friends whom they share these girl issues with and, they would too, start "observing" the girl in their own way. (Sorry! I have no idea as to which ways guys would turn to as that friend of mine said that it's a "secret" -_- Haha. Anyone of you boys out there who are willing to share?) One of the difference I found was that they do not do it in an obvious manner, where some girls are likely to.

Apart from that, let me share something that I found rather unjust, that is, guys can actually "observe" up to more than a girl at a time! Afterwhich, they will then choose someone whom they think that has the best characteristics of all. I know that everyone has his or her own freedom of choice, however, isn't it still relatively hurtful if the girls whom they are observing find out that they are being judged upon like the animals for sale in a petshop?

So, why don't you people out there tell me aout your thoughts about this issue? Feel free to comment whether or not is it a positive or a negative one. :)


  1. Haha. well... Let me be the first to comment on this post, then.

    First things first, i think the most important stage in any relationship would be "intensifying". I mean, if there wasn't anything to intensify in the first place, how would you expect any relationship to carry on, right?? =p

    well.. i guess guys' "screening methods" don't differ much to how you girls analyze your eyecandies. haha. The normal topics between guys talking about girls, would be personality, appearances, dressing etc. don't tell anyone i told you this though, trade secret. oh wait. my name's exposed. haha. and err... i can't really agree with what you say about only guys treating girls like an 'animal for sale in a pet shop'. isn't it the same, how gys would feel, if we found out you girls were doig it to us, too?!

    just my 2 cents' worth. hope i made sense, if any, at all. :)

  2. perception of guys' "screening methods" are pretty bad though... perhaps it was the group tt i used to know . They do not see girls as people but more like decoration, heard of trophey gf???

    And with comments like, "wah...MILF...."
    a common remarks from the N.S guys huh?

    Anyhow! i agree with you, screening and filtering is the fun part. It is the stage whereby you do not know a lot..

    abt tt person, so it's a total mystery to you. Kinda like a game of fantasy , using your imagination to make sense or mold your eyecandy into a character you want. Pretty self-deluding but's fun.

    Perhaps that's a reason why people go gaga over idols.

    - Ke Lu

  3. i can only say i love the comments on this page man. interesting.

    the initial stage of screening filtering, is EXTREMELY SUPERFICIAL.

    feel free to disagree.

    yet as i always say we fall victim to it. i guess i could debate about the gender differences and how would take such superficial matters to another level in terms of judgements and how some people would not bother about it at all.

    for those who know me, and the comments i've made on people of the opposite sex only goes as far to the things i've heard about them and the way they look. i'll never come to a conclusion that that's the end of it.

    everyone is special and unique in their own way, even the common ones and until we can truly fathom a person, it is extremely unfair to that person. if we were to discuss it with others, there might be a chance they're own opinions may rub off ours, creating a certain level of biasness.

    as for girls judging guys. i don't really give a damn.

  4. Argh, this is a toughie. For guys, I guess it largely depends on the individual's personality. Not all are comfortable with sharing their personal thoughts regarding a girl with their buddies. Still, some might ask for one another's opinions on someone in a very casual way, so much so that we might even be unable to discern whether a friend even has a crush at all.

    Of course, those who are more open would probably consult with their friends, similar to how you described the girls' method. While initiating is important, I guess it is only during the subsequent stages that you can really get to know more about the person (When you stop threading on safe ground, and venture into all the personal stuff), and decide whether you have to return to filtering and screening other potential candidates :)

  5. Hi Shermin, i have always suspected that girls choose guys based on what their own social group thinks. Am i far off here?

    And i must say, you've got some writing style as well.

  6. farhan farhan.. how's your leg btw? haha.. fine i hope? :)

    Hmmm, "girls choose guys based on what their own social group thinks"? Oh well.. there's no definite answer I would say. At least it's not so much of that for me. Example... I once liked a guy whom my friends thought wasn't so good. So, mmhmmmmm. Haha..

    But, I have friends too who cares alot of what her friends would think of her boyfriend. So.... hahaha.. does it imply anything here? :/

    p.s. i hope i answered your doubt in one way or another~ :P

  7. That whole 'observing' thing... I think most of us will do it sub-consciously for sure but when someone is doing it consciously it does make the girls seem like pigs in a market, waiting to be viewed by their prospective butchers before they get slaughtered.

    Love and going into a relationship isn't just dependent on finding the right person with the best characteristics.. so observe all you want.. but it is going to take a hell alot more than mere observation to make a relationship spark and work.

  8. hAA-LOOO from me!

    ok.. i guess the most important part of getting together is the integrating and bonding part. I reckon we all have in our heads what kind of girls or boys that we feel comfortable with and which of them we can be together with. Only a fine line separates the difference between a very good friend of the opposite sex and a boyfriend/girlfriend as more often than not the only difference between them is the presence of physical contact.
    I do not agree with you when you say that the screening and filtering part is where you get to know most about your crush or eyecandy as a profile one facebook or msn or friendster doesn't reflect who the person really is in real life. It is only when you start hanging out with that person, you will get to know more about him/her. That is, i reckon the time when you start developing crushes of the opposite sex, that is if you're normal;)

    haha... ok .. thats S$5 worth of my time... (actually not that cheap) you owe me one :D

  9. I couldn't agree more! Love this shows the inner thoughts of most girls and yes, we do come together to 'analyze' the boys. So guys, Beware!It depicts how interpersoanl relationships start and progresses after which(that is, if one continues to continue with the stages).

    But then, I do not think we're like animals for sale in a shop! Haha...maybe it's just more like the boys trying to figure out how we are based on our body language, the way we speak and carry ourselves. Honestly, everyone judges and it's only fair to first judge, then change our perception of a person after the initial stages.

  10. well for me, I'll most probably tell my sister about the people I meet but I'll only selectively choose the people I want to talk to about specific things. And this applies to both my guy and girl friends.

    Maybe its because I'm more private about things. For example, I wouldn't want to tell my friend who has a reputation of being a weak secret keeper some private things that I wouldn't want others to know.

    Oh yes, and its scary to know that girls are being judges like animals in a pet shop =.=
